
Paddock tree plantings to help Red-tails

Scattered Paddock stringybark
Interested in creating more food for Red-tails, but can’t afford to fence off large areas to do so? Then the factsheet ‘Paddock tree plantings to help Red-tails’ may be for you.


Scattered paddock trees provide important habitat to a wide range of native wildlife including our nationally endangered South-eastern Red-tailed Black-Cockatoo (SERTBC). These trees not only provide important nesting habitat, but can also provide a highly valuable food resource for the cockatoo. For example, stringybark paddock trees have been found to produce up to 26 times more seed than stringybark trees within patches. Similarly scattered paddock buloke also provides an important seasonal food supply for this species.
However, paddock trees are becoming increasingly vulnerable to clearance due to a shift to more intense agricultural practises including large scale cropping, installation of centre pivot irrigation systems and stubble burning. Remaining paddock trees are also at risk of decline due to damage from stock through ringbarking and soil compaction.

While many revegetation programs focus on the establishment of corridors or small patches of vegetation another way for landholders to create ideal habitat for Red-tails, without compromising productivity, is to plant trees in a scattered pattern.
Creating a paddock tree effect not only provides additional habitat for local native fauna, but also offers potential benefits to landholders through increased farm productivity. Scattered paddock trees can provide shelter to stock and attract insect controlling micro-bats that can provide a natural means of pest control.
To encourage and assist landholders to undertake scattered tree plantings Tim Burnard from the SERTBC Recovery Team has developed a new, easy to read factsheet, which provides information on how to create a paddock tree effect ideal for Red-tails.  The factsheet offers a guide to establishment and spacing of paddock trees and information on how to protect newly established plantings from stock.
To download a copy of the factsheet please click here.
For more information on scattered tree plantings or to discuss your individual Red-tail habitat restoration requirements please contact the Project Coordinator on 1800 262 062 or email

Although it may not be the cheapest method of tree establishment, scattered tree plantings established today will help to provide an important food bank for Red-tails into the future.

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